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SPEDPro is an automated system that finds and manages cases for special needs students across Texas. The SPEDPro system brings the student’s case information to teachers, parents, diagnosticians, case specialists and representatives of relevant government authorities from identification to actual deployment of the goal-based study plan for the special needs of students at the school.
The automated system facilitates enhanced collaboration between the stakeholders, knitting them closer and bringing the end goal of establishing a meaningful Academic Standard for the SPED syllabus. SPEDPro is an educational software application that serves as a delivery medium for Education Programs for Special Education (SPED) students. It aids in the organization of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) to reflect the requirements of federal and state laws. SPEDPro makes student progress monitoring, paperwork, and communication between teachers and parents easier.
Individual Student Profiles (Indexed)
Chat (Individual and Group)
Document sharing and Editing
Audio Recording, Sharing and Download
Launch & Maintenance
Created marketing materials
SEO for AppStore
Analytics and link attributions
Conducted advertising campaign on the AppStore
Tablet App
Android App
Multi-device manual testing
Features showcase

Child Find Process made easy
Reporting a Child Find case and managing the procedures that follow is prone to errors, misrepresentations and fraud on a paper-based system. In addition, the legal requirement of reporting SPED children to the state is seldom met on time. SPEDPro automates the Child Find to ARD Committee Meeting process electronically, removing human errors and omissions from the process. SPEDPro’s business automation software offers great help to the Child Find Process, where identification, documentation, and tracking of students with special education needs are quickly achieved, all in compliance with the least amount of paperwork.

Automated IEP and BIP
The application allows the stakeholders from the ARD Meeting (8 individuals of diverse professions) to evaluate the case and build an IEP through real-time collaboration. Once created, and implemented, the IEP can be reopened based on the audio feedback of the teachers to either revise the IEP or add BIP to the process.

Goal-based education system
The teachers were performing as file-and-rank soldiers in the paper-based system due to a lack of quantifiable and measurable goals. The process was revamped with the integration of a goal-based education system that allows the teachers to share real-time feedback with the experts who made the syllabus and improve the academic standard for SPED. This goal-based education system also allows schools to scale education software, creating a better and more versatile platform to cater to the rising demand for teachers and students in special education.

The LSSP and Diagnosticians would spend days planning for and informing the stakeholders of an upcoming ARD committee either at the cycle date (3 years from the initial meeting), Case Revision (1 year from the initial review) or immediately (in case of BIP). The integrated aspect of the app allowed the stakeholders (including patients) to stay on top of each case and take immediate action.
Key Take Away
The process of identifying special needs is gruelling and time-consuming for both teachers and parents. Either party can initiate the process, but whoever initiates it has the onus of proofing them. That requires paperwork and ARD Meetings, all of which are paper-based at the moment and have their drawbacks. With business automation software integrated into SPEDPro, the tedious process of identifying education programs is eliminated, making ARD meetings faster and more efficient.
Automating the process required all related parties i.e. parents, teachers, diagnosticians, case specialists, and government representatives to come to a singular platform. With the paper-based system in place, it was unachievable and had to be replaced by digital forms capturing the same information required by the authorities and the schools. The mobile application we developed, leveraging the expertise of professionals with software developer educational requirements, enabled the relevant parties to capture information on the go and log it into a central repository which would then tabulate the information in the format required by authorities and schools.
The application shortened the lead time from months to just a few days, enabling all related parties to quickly siphon information to the main repository and obtain digital and paper-printed reports. In addition, the parties were able to keep track of their assigned cases differentiated and segregated under a role- and permission-based system that would allow for data integrity and predefined visibility to the users wishing to access the data.
As a comprehensive solution to the management of unique educational programs, SPEDPro is an educational software system that can accomplish a lot in helping those specializing in the particular education field. This way, schools can quickly manage the growth of their facility using a solution that extends goal-based planning, constant feedback, and automated processes. That makes it easy for schools using SPEDPro to expand the education software to fit the expanding demand of students and staff in terms of compliance and performance. This all-in-one tool allows teachers, diagnosticians, parents, and administrators in exceptional education management to cooperate every day to be more efficient and productive.
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